Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Suite CRM Upload stream is blocked by Suhosin...

Upload stream is blocked by Suhosin, please add "upload" to suhosin.executor.include.whitelist (See suitecrm.log for more information)

Ever come across such an error while uploading Suite CRM  modules or themes

Follow the following steps:

Go to /include/upload_file.php, public static function getSuhosinStatus(), change $configuration = ini_get_all(‘suhosin’ , false);


$configuration = ini_get_all(‘suhosin’);

In /modules/upgradewizard/uw_utils.php, in the condition if (UploadStream::getSuhosinStatus() == true) change $ret[‘error_found’] = true;


$ret[‘error_found’] = false;

For Newer Version

This has been changed.

The old upload_file.php had 828 rows

The current upload_file have 45 rows, and only requires the UploadFile.php

The function getSuhosinStatus() has been transferred to the include\UploadStream.php file at row 62

If this was helpful kindly follow and comment.